Panamax is Docker Management for Humans. You can get started with the simple steps described here. It provides a friendly interface for users of Docker, Fleet & CoreOS. With Panamax, you can easily create, share, and deploy any containerized app no matter how complex it might be. You can linking (or stitching them) different docker images together and exposing them to the outside world. You can start and stop docker containers everything within Panamax web UI.
I have created a “Panamax template for couchbase 5 node cluster”. Let’s see how simple it is to set up the cluster.
Most of the steps taken from here. I just made a Panamax template.
Step 1 : Login into coreOS
panamax ssh
Step 2: Run the below command from coreOS
docker ps
for name in dustin_couchbase_{1..4}; do docker inspect -f '.NetworkSettings.IPAddress' $name; done
It will give you 4 IP address:
Step 3: Open a new terminal and run all these commands in the host OS (where your Virtual box running)
VboxManage controlvm panamax-vm natpf1 rule1,tcp,,8091,,8091
VboxManage controlvm panamax-vm natpf1 rule2,tcp,,8092,,8092
VboxManage controlvm panamax-vm natpf1 rule3,tcp,,11210,,11210
Note: If you are not clear why you have to do this, here is the Panamax wiki that explains in detail.
Step 4: Go to (couchbase admin web console)
Login with
Step 5: Go to “Server Nodes”
Add servers by IP address (Ref# Step: 2)